Dental Implants
in Jefferson City, MO
If one or more missing teeth have ever made you think twice about eating certain foods or smiling in pictures, our team at Southwest Dental Care would love to talk to you about your tooth-replacement options. Dental implants are among the most commonly preferred choices for replacing missing teeth due to their durability and natural feel and appearance. To learn more about dental implants and see if they are the right choice for your smile, please contact us to schedule your consultation!
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What are the benefits of dental implants?
Dental implants offer many benefits. Patients tend to like dental implants because they:
- Look, feel, and function like natural teeth
- Are incredibly stable dental restorations
- No special care required; can be treated like natural teeth
- Help maintain the natural shape of the face
- Help promote jawbone health
- Can last patients decades or even the rest of their lives

What does the dental implant procedure involve?
First, a small incision is made in the gums so that the jawbone can be accessed. Then, a hole is drilled into the jawbone, and the implant is placed. Over the next few weeks, the gums will heal, and the implant will begin to fuse with the jawbone in a process called osseointegration. Once the implant is stable and the healing process is complete, an implant crown will be attached to the top of the implant. The entire process takes a few months, and it can be extended if the patient needs a dental extraction or bone graft beforehand.

Are dental implants expensive?
Dental implants are often more costly than alternative tooth-replacement methods like dental bridges or partial dentures. However, they can be a great investment for patients who want a durable tooth-replacement option that feels as similar to a natural tooth as possible. Some insurance plans offer full or partial coverage for implant procedures, and our office also accepts CareCredit® payment plans, which can be used to divide the upfront costs of treatments into monthly payments. For more financing information, please visit our financial page or contact our office.
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